Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Enough is enough! : I love the sound of it, it is a phrase used in a television commercial in Australia to point out to people the road carnage that is killing so many people unnecessarily because of speeding, road rage and irresponsable behaviour. The behaviour of people in general varies due to the conditions in one's upbringing and the parental genes which while growing up is influenced and moulded by the world around us, Technology, the Media and Politics. Together they all create a contemporary world of make belief and pretence forgetting all the virtues that keep life on Earth the way it should be, but it isn't anymore. Why, is the big question for which we all know the answer, it is the responsibility of us all to contribute the reasoning = common sense necessary, and which should really be initiated and practised by the Governments, Corporations and Multinationals who all have the ability and means to do so. The production of cars for consumers, public, that can reach speeds of up to 300 km./ph. plus is just ridiculous as speed limits are kept up to and below 110km./ph. nationally in most countries except for the Autobaans in Europe which are crazy anyway. The lack of logic used that I have shown above applies to many/all other possible issues that can be raised as to better life in general. What is the reason beyond it all, the obvious lack of logic by putting money greed and lust first before logic. Logic the best and only tool to use when using reason and consideration to find answers to questions and problems that are so easy to answer, we have to wake up and do it to be able to enjoy life in times to come,”ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”.

Sage G


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