Thursday, July 06, 2006


You can be the most beautiful person in the world and you would most likely be alone or the extreme opposite, the ugliest person in the world and you most likely will be alone. You could be the wisest most intelegent person in the world or the extreme opposite, the dumbest and most ignorant person in the world and you most likely would be alone, so no matter what it is you are, either extreme you most likely will be alone. The above applies to all the different ways you or anyone else can describe oneself or someone else and in any case we all can/will be alone even if we are the best. The two extremes and the space in between being the widest in the middle as the majority is in the centre and diminishes as it goes outwards towards each extreme on either side, the two extremes each ending up by themselves. It's a lonely world we live in, is it? The best, there is only one of and the worst, there is only one of and the same applies to everything else! Just be as good as you are or can be and be happy with that!

Sage G


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