Monday, August 21, 2006


We can do it, we just have to wake up and realize what we have to

justify and sacrifice, just look and read my book as not to be an environmental

crook who only thinks of how to capitalize and not harmonize with nature

and life so, let’s survive and,


Thank you and Love you

Sage G

+ - = 0 = ALL

Monday, August 14, 2006


You are the centre of yourself, everything starts with you, you are the source. Being blind, deaf and dumb would make you totally incapable of having any knowledge orunderstanding of what is happening around you. To understand what I am saying is to imagine being blind, deaf and dumb, living in a black void, what would be the purpose? How you perceive and how you use the information you have perceived is how you develop to become an individual, (person) together with your genetic character, your soul. During the time of development you learn, you perceive and you experience to live like a human being in a community and society according to traditions, customs, laws and modern trends. It would have been good if we could have left out the negatives and just had concentrated on the positives. As we are the centre of our lives things do start at the center. A thought is born when someone or anything triggers our senses, mind and emotions. Whatever it is it could be what we saw, (vision) heard, (hearing) smelt or tasted and felt, physically or emotionally and in some cases spiritually. Our emotions and spiritual perceptions can be unexpected or expected pending on the situation and circumstances. When we instigate, provoke, respond and react the thought had to come first before the action but when emotions are involved many times we are not capable to be a 100% in control of ourselves. Once we have a thought we should be able to then use reasoning and logic to direct our thought
to find the best solution as to what or how to say or do what is best for all involved. The above relates to the topics I explained before confirming the fact that each individual life is like a chain, each link depends and is connected to the other one to create one life. Each individual life is different to the other depending firstly on the genetic equation then the conditions, timing and circumstances creating that particular life, may it be a healthy, happy and prosperous life or may it be an unhealthy, miserable and poor life or a combination of the three. Now and at whatever stage in life you’re in the only and best thing you can do is to make the best of it, live the best life you can at the time doing the best for you and all involved.

The reason for living is to enjoy life”