Sunday, September 17, 2006


Choices, we were told that choice started with Adam and Eve, we were given the power of choice and it has and will stay with us until the end of time. They are the good and the bad, the reasons for success and happiness and the many mistakes, wrongdoings and misunderstandings influencing our daily lives and future. We wake up with them, live with them and go to sleep with them, choices. After we make the choice we are driven by our conscious or subconscious mind using our intelligence or wisdom as to how to follow up on our choice as our conscience will take it from there. Our emotions in many cases can steer us in making irrational and wrong decisions, (choices), we have to try to keep emotions under control to be able to make the right decisions, they can be a problem. Choices are always there in the conscious mind and in the subconscious mind, when we are awake or when we are asleep, as long as we are alive. In our daily lives we must make choices nearly every second of the day, some we think about, others we just do because it is a habit or routine and the subconscious mind decides for you. The wrong choices we make and the ones we do know are wrong and we still make them are caused by emotional disturbances or outside influences interfering with our ability to make a fair and correct judgment not using reasoning or, they are just bad habits or obsessions needing to be dealt with. Choosing to make the right decision is important because either way, wrong or right, good or bad, your choice can decide or influence your own or someone else’s life drastically, totally! Past decisions or choices can and do affect and influence the present and future. Present choices cannot touch the past but decisions and choices can be made now on matters relating to the past and do relate to the present and future. Many a decision usually does involve others not making you directly responsible for the other person’s interests in the matter because the others, just like you, have their own responsibility to make a choice or decision for themselves in their own interest. To make the right decision where others are involved depends on one's honesty and civil standards as if to make a selfish decision in one's own interest or a decision also considering the interests of others. The best and only decision to be made should be the one in the interest of all involved and that goes with any other choice or decision you are about to make. It is important to realize and to accept the truth about making a choice and it is a must to consider the consequences, life does expect it of us, always!