Sunday, January 14, 2007


We all are part of this world wide web of human do's and don'ts, be and don't be's up to a point where we don't realise what or who we are anymore lowering our own expectations and values. We are being manipulated and indoctrinated and putting ourselves on the bottom being ruled by the religious, political, corporate and multinational oppression which is destroying the world around us, the world we have to live in and survive in with not much hope for a future. Instead of being a big mess of manipulated sheep in what could be a beautiful world why can't we be a human race with intelligence being individuals of value living a life we enjoy, ”THE REASON FOR LIVING IS TO ENJOY LIFE”, otherwise what is the point of living? Let's start by adjusting and realising that we can always improve and be better, do better and by doing so create a better world; it has to start with you and the rest should and will follow. Armageddon can be reversed, there still is time for the human race, (people), to wake up and stand up for themselves by wanting to have the value as intelegent human beings, not to be manipulated by the systems at present running our lives without much reason or sense making the weaker individuals criminals, hoons and anything else that is the opposite of right and good. Nature provided us with all we need to be a healthy and prosperous human race without the greed, selfishness and ignorance that spoils and destroys the good, the right and positive, lets not do it and do what is necessary to reverse Armageddon!

Sage G