Monday, February 12, 2007


We speculate and always assume, presume and think we can give explanations and answers for most things we don't even know or understand otherwise we would not have made a mess of it all. Look around and witness the lack of consideration and understanding of nature that has made this Earth a waste dump for human abuse of nature's wealth and treasures that could have been a Paradise of the wonders of nature for which we have no answers or explanations. Now we have to start back at the beginning, (us humans) and each one of us has to realise what we have done and shouldn't have done. We have contributed to the above by being ignorant because we can't be bothered with learning what we don't understand or know and not wanting to admit that truth to ourselves. I know not many of us like to agree with the above but think about it and you will realise the logic and truth of it all.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


You have to believe in yourself which means you have to know yourself, and to be able to do that you have to accept the truth and the indisputable fact that you were created like everything else on this planet by, ”Mother Nature”. The circumstances and conditions Mother Nature is not responsible for and like the theory of natural selection the outcome is open to faith and the unknown. The outcome is us and we all are someone, someone special pending on how we adapt ourselves to our everyday life and everyday way of thinking. The more we are willing to learn the more we will understand, and to understand others is to understand ourselves. Some of us are victims of natural selection or a mishap and turn out to be different, some in a good way and some in a bad way with variations to cover all. When we look at life in a positive way and wanting the best for ourselves we have to do what is required and positive to make it happen, everything in life is like a chain we all directly and indirectly need each other for business, personal reasons and survival, in the long run what we do to others we do to ourselves. It is a big circle, we all are a small part of it including everything else on this planet. We all can be happy within ourselves even if the world around us is the opposite and if we all do it right it might rub off on the world around us, how good would that be!

Sage G